Обновляем NextCloud до версии 20

---------------------------------------------------------------Обновить облако NextCloud с 19 до 20 версии
Как обновить nextcloud через веб-интерфейс читайте в статье “Обновление Nextcloud в FreeBSD“. Мы же рассмотрим вариант обновления на бета версию. На данный момент если вы уже пользуетесь 19 версией, то в рамках стабильной ветки обновиться до 20 версии не получится. Хотя Nextcloud 20 версии можно свободно скачать и установить.
И так, меняем канал обновлений на Beta и обновляемся.

Режим обслуживания
Этот сервер Nextcloud находится в режиме технического обслуживания, которое может занять некоторое время. Эта страница обновится автоматически когда сервер снова станет доступен.
Обратитесь к вашему системному администратору если это сообщение не исчезает или появляется неожиданно.

После минут пяти ожидание , запускаем Putty и подключаемся к серверу
root@cloud:/ # sudo -u www php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ -V The process control (PCNTL) extensions are required in case you want to interrupt long running commands - see http://php.net/manual/en/book.pcntl.php Nextcloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade Cloud 20.0.1 RC 1
Новый релиз NextCloud уже установлен, пробуем запустить ещё раз процедуру обновления
root@cloud:/ # sudo -u www php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ upgrade The process control (PCNTL) extensions are required in case you want to interrupt long running commands - see http://php.net/manual/en/book.pcntl.php Nextcloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade Setting log level to debug Updating database schema Updated database Updating <mail> ... Purify and migrate collected mail addresses Done 0/0 [->--------------------------] 0% Insert background jobs for all accounts Done 1/1 [============================] 100% Updated <mail> to 1.5.0 Checking for update of app accessibility in appstore Checked for update of app "accessibility" in appstore Checking for update of app activity in appstore Checked for update of app "activity" in appstore Checking for update of app admin_audit in appstore Checked for update of app "admin_audit" in appstore Checking for update of app apporder in appstore Checked for update of app "apporder" in appstore Checking for update of app audioplayer_editor in appstore Checked for update of app "audioplayer_editor" in appstore Checking for update of app audioplayer_sonos in appstore Checked for update of app "audioplayer_sonos" in appstore Checking for update of app bruteforcesettings in appstore Checked for update of app "bruteforcesettings" in appstore Checking for update of app cloud_federation_api in appstore Checked for update of app "cloud_federation_api" in appstore Checking for update of app comments in appstore Checked for update of app "comments" in appstore Checking for update of app contacts in appstore Checked for update of app "contacts" in appstore Checking for update of app contactsinteraction in appstore Checked for update of app "contactsinteraction" in appstore Checking for update of app dav in appstore Checked for update of app "dav" in appstore Checking for update of app deck in appstore Checked for update of app "deck" in appstore Checking for update of app federatedfilesharing in appstore Checked for update of app "federatedfilesharing" in appstore Checking for update of app federation in appstore Checked for update of app "federation" in appstore Checking for update of app files in appstore Checked for update of app "files" in appstore Checking for update of app files_external in appstore Checked for update of app "files_external" in appstore Checking for update of app files_sharing in appstore Checked for update of app "files_sharing" in appstore Checking for update of app files_trashbin in appstore Checked for update of app "files_trashbin" in appstore Checking for update of app files_versions in appstore Checked for update of app "files_versions" in appstore Checking for update of app files_videoplayer in appstore Checked for update of app "files_videoplayer" in appstore Checking for update of app firstrunwizard in appstore Checked for update of app "firstrunwizard" in appstore Checking for update of app logreader in appstore Checked for update of app "logreader" in appstore Checking for update of app lookup_server_connector in appstore Checked for update of app "lookup_server_connector" in appstore Checking for update of app mail in appstore Checked for update of app "mail" in appstore Checking for update of app music in appstore Checked for update of app "music" in appstore Checking for update of app nextcloud_announcements in appstore Checked for update of app "nextcloud_announcements" in appstore Checking for update of app notifications in appstore Checked for update of app "notifications" in appstore Checking for update of app oauth2 in appstore Checked for update of app "oauth2" in appstore Checking for update of app password_policy in appstore Checked for update of app "password_policy" in appstore Checking for update of app passwords in appstore Checked for update of app "passwords" in appstore Checking for update of app photos in appstore Checked for update of app "photos" in appstore Checking for update of app privacy in appstore Checked for update of app "privacy" in appstore Checking for update of app provisioning_api in appstore Checked for update of app "provisioning_api" in appstore Checking for update of app richdocuments in appstore Checked for update of app "richdocuments" in appstore Checking for update of app serverinfo in appstore Checked for update of app "serverinfo" in appstore Checking for update of app settings in appstore Checked for update of app "settings" in appstore Checking for update of app sharebymail in appstore Checked for update of app "sharebymail" in appstore Checking for update of app support in appstore Checked for update of app "support" in appstore Checking for update of app survey_client in appstore Checked for update of app "survey_client" in appstore Checking for update of app systemtags in appstore Checked for update of app "systemtags" in appstore Checking for update of app text in appstore Checked for update of app "text" in appstore Checking for update of app theming in appstore Checked for update of app "theming" in appstore Checking for update of app twofactor_backupcodes in appstore Checked for update of app "twofactor_backupcodes" in appstore Checking for update of app twofactor_gateway in appstore Checked for update of app "twofactor_gateway" in appstore Checking for update of app twofactor_totp in appstore Checked for update of app "twofactor_totp" in appstore Checking for update of app twofactor_u2f in appstore Checked for update of app "twofactor_u2f" in appstore Checking for update of app updatenotification in appstore Checked for update of app "updatenotification" in appstore Checking for update of app viewer in appstore Checked for update of app "viewer" in appstore Checking for update of app workflowengine in appstore Checked for update of app "workflowengine" in appstore Starting code integrity check... Finished code integrity check Update successful Maintenance mode is kept active Resetting log level root@cloud:/ #
Пробуем отремонтировать установку
root@cloud:/ # sudo -u www php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:repair The process control (PCNTL) extensions are required in case you want to interrupt long running commands - see http://php.net/manual/en/book.pcntl.php Nextcloud is in maintenance mode - no apps have been loaded - Repair MySQL collation - All tables already have the correct collation -> nothing to do - Repair mime types - Clean tags and favorites - 0 tags of deleted users have been removed. - 0 tags for delete files have been removed. - 0 tag entries for deleted tags have been removed. - 0 tags with no entries have been removed. - Repair invalid shares - Move .step file of updater to backup location - Fix potential broken mount points - No mounts updated - Add log rotate job - Clear frontend caches - Image cache cleared - SCSS cache cleared - JS cache cleared - Clear every generated avatar on major updates - Add preview background cleanup job - Queue a one-time job to cleanup old backups of the updater - Cleanup invalid photocache files for carddav - Add background job to cleanup login flow v2 tokens - Remove potentially over exposing share links - No need to remove link shares. - Clear access cache of projects - Reset generated avatar flag - Keep legacy encryption enabled - Check encryption key format - Remove old dashboard app config data - Fix component of birthday calendars - 4 birthday calendars updated. - Regenerating birthday calendars to use new icons and fix old birthday events without year - Repair step already executed - Fix broken values of calendar objects 0 [->--------------------------] - Registering building of calendar search index as background job - Repair step already executed - Registering background jobs to update cache for webcal calendars - Added 0 background jobs to update webcal calendars - Registering building of calendar reminder index as background job - Repair step already executed - Clean up orphan event and contact data - 0 events without a calendar have been cleaned up - 0 properties without an events have been cleaned up - 0 changes without a calendar have been cleaned up - 0 cached events without a calendar subscription have been cleaned up - 0 changes without a calendar subscription have been cleaned up - 0 contacts without an addressbook have been cleaned up - 0 properties without a contact have been cleaned up - 0 changes without an addressbook have been cleaned up - Remove activity entries of private events - Removed 0 activity entries - Delete orphaned ACL rules - Fix the share type of guest shares when migrating from ownCloud - Copy the share password into the dedicated column - Set existing shares as accepted - Purify and migrate collected mail addresses 0 [----->----------------------] - Insert background jobs for all accounts 1/1 [============================] 100% - Make Mail itinerary extractor executable - Migrate Mail provisioning config from config.php to the database - No old config found - Create or update provisioned Mail accounts - No Mail provisioning config set - Remove any playlist files mistakenly added to music_tracks table - Combine multi-disk albums and store disk numbers per track - Set creation date for playlists without one - Update OAuth token expiration times - Repair Passwords Database Objects - Checking 0 tag revisions 0 [------------->--------------] - Fixed 0 tag revisions - Checking 2 folder revisions 2/2 [============================] 100% - Fixed 0 folder revisions - Checking 48 password revisions 48/48 [============================] 100% - Fixed 0 password revisions - Checking 0 tag models 0 [>---------------------------] - Fixed 0 tag models - Checking 1 folder models 1/1 [============================] 100% - Fixed 0 folder models - Checking 29 password models 29/29 [============================] 100% - Fixed 0 password models - Checking 0 password tag relations 0 [----------->----------------] - Fixed 0 password tag relations - Switches from default updater server to the customer one if a valid subscription is available - Repair step already executed - Send an admin notification if monthly report is disabled - Add background job to check for backup codes - Populating added database structures for workflows root@cloud:/ #
Проверяем режим обслуживания
root@cloud:/ # sudo -u www php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode The process control (PCNTL) extensions are required in case you want to interrupt long running commands - see http://php.net/manual/en/book.pcntl.php Maintenance mode is currently enabled root@cloud:/ #
Отключаем режим обслуживания
root@cloud:/ # sudo -u www php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --off The process control (PCNTL) extensions are required in case you want to interrupt long running commands - see http://php.net/manual/en/book.pcntl.php Maintenance mode disabled root@cloud:/ #
Открываем браузер и пробуем открыть nextcloud. Теперь всё работает
1 комментарий
[…] при помощи веб интерфейса не отличается от статьи “Обновляем NextCloud до версии 20“. Но вот после обновления я столкнулся с рядом […]